Recommended Links

This "Recommended Links" page is to point you to helpful online resources in that will aid you in your walk with Christ.


Biblegateway - There are many good websites that offer online Bible reading. Biblegateway is a good one, offering many different translations and tools to help you read and study the Bible.

Gospel Coalition - This website has great articles, book reviews, etc. from a variety of pastors and church leaders from around the world.

Albert Mohler - Albert Mohler is the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He is a great Christian theologian and thinker and has a wealth of helpful media posted on his website.

9marks - The 9marks organization is committed to "Building Healthy Chruches".

Desiring God - This website is where you can find John Piper's sermon archive, books, and articles he has written, along with helpful articles from many wise contributors. 

Grace To You - This website is where you can find John MacArthur's sermon archive, articles, as well as other valuable resources.

Voice Of The Martyrs - This is a great organization dedicated to obeying Hebrews 13:3 "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body." They raise awareness for the persecuted Church and provide them with relief in anyway they can. Visit the website and start praying for and supporting the persecuted Church.